Select location
A workstation in the same room as the CT‘s control workstation, ideally already running a PACS viewer.
Get file
Inform support
Let us know when you plan to install the software, and we‘ll be ready to help answer any questions. Just send us an email
Execute the installer synedraViewProfessional-*.exe
* version number (download always contains the latest installer - latest release is Niobe
Install the license by opening the license folder and executing the file: install-license-windows.bat
​Start synedra View Professional to complete installation

To retrieve images from CT or PACS, synedra needs to connect through the DICOM protocol as a DICOM node.
1. In synedra View
Open Extras -> Settings
Go to Communication -> DICOM
Set: Host to IP of PACS/CT
Check „Open DICOM receive port upon program startup“
Adapt Server AET and Local AET
Set „Activate C-STORE“ to be able to upload images to PACS
2. On your CT/PACS
Configure new DICOM node (CT/PACS vendor specific)
Configure Host of synedra PC, set AETs corresponding to synedra View
Please check these configuration tips in case of further questions.
3. Test
Restart synedra View
Go to tab „Load“
Select „Study Date“ -> today
Search and see studies loaded
Open a study to validate that it can be correctly retrieved
4. Make configuration availalable for several users
In the current software setup, the DICOM configuration is stored in the user profile, hence we recommend to configure it with the user profile which will be used for accessing the software for the interventions. If you have several different user profiles who need to access the software, please execute the script called "ChangeGlobalConfiguration.bat" and follow the instructions. The script can be found in the software download zip file.

If you have started synedra and see a login screen, the demo license has expired. Please contact us for next steps.

Additional FAQs and Tips can be found here.